Sunday, November 18, 2007

This morning, I seriously considered lying in bed for Just A Few More Minutes. I really did. But then I heard a Suspicious Rustling, and the staccato thumpety-thump of wee little feet running away. I have learned that these sounds merit investigation.

I found the Thumper wedged between the pantry and the refrigerator, cheeks puffed out like a successful squirrel, eyes wide and innocent.

"What are you eating?"

"Muffink!" (nothing)

"Is that the truth or a lie?"

"A wie ..." (a lie)

"So what are you eating?"

"Guwwies." (gummies)

"Where did you get them?"

"Dawwie." (daddy. who is asleep himself)

"Oh REALLY. When?"

"Wass migh." (last night)

Damn the man. Who leaves a whole bag of gummies within reach of a three-year-old? But I got my revenge. Cub and I left for the morning, playing tennis and shopping for a BIKE FOR MEEEEEEE!!!! leaving the sugar-high Thumper alone with his gummy-peddling father. HA!

1 comment:

Jill Cook said...
